Tour America on Twitter

This is a twitter background that I did during my time at Tour America. The original design was 2250 x 1200 pixels in size. There’s a helpful site here in relation to designing for social media backgrounds

I prefer the way background designs are always centred when you are creating one for a YouTube. However, Twitter always aligns the design to the left, so you have to make sure that any information that you always want to be seen is at the left of your design. As you can see, there is a column of information that I had to include at the left of the Twitter background. Depending on screen sizes then, the right side of your image will be cropped. As a designer who often gets hung up on symmetry, this kinda bothers me.

I went for a repeat pattern that was similar to my design for the Tour America YouTube page. The style is the same but I changed some of the elements that weren’t going to work with the alignment issues, mainly the layout and rays. Click here to see my YouTube background design.